ASKET- Open world shooter, with life simulation. i’m solo development this game :slight_smile:
Game is in the early stages of development, with the story and gameplay constantly evolving.
steam page



Looks amazing! what an epic amount of work for a Solo! How long has it been?

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Project in development for a year.

Hi there @NoKoDit,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far :slight_smile:

Just based off what you’ve shared - this looks phenomenal. The hyper-realistic world design alone is impressive. Do you have any plans to share a gameplay/combat trailer anytime soon? :smiley:


Hello, still alive)
Gameplay trailer maybe in 3-4 months…I want to finalize the gameplay and open world, before announcing the game at some “game fest”.

I’m no rush, it’s quite a big project. For example, the open world of the game now occupies 60 km, weapons amount 35+, and the number of perks that affect the gameplay is 60+. At the same time, everything is animated and worked out.
This is not just a corridor shooter :slight_smile:


Looks great Asket!

Kind of a nerdy question but do you have plans to do any sort of “skill tree” with the perks? Or is it more level/progress based?

perk/skill system, it’s already in the game (bottom gif) :slight_smile:

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Oh my goodness! I was hoping that’s what it was :smiley: I’m thrilled to be able to follow this as it develops. Do you have plans to continue sharing progress here?

Ok, I’ll post major updates here :slight_smile:

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Weapon Customization (alpha)

It looks very impressive. In the first post, is the fisheye glass orb thing related to gameplay or was that just an experiment?

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The anomaly, part of the gameplay.
Will be more anomalies in the future.
I’m pretty weak at making particles)

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