As I said years ago, EPIC employees are apparently 'checked out'... (ie. same huge problem still exists...)

I came here years ago to complain that no one ever answers questions at the VR Editor Dedicated Forum… I ask, I wait a month . I ask again, I wait a year. Ask again, I wait three…

Why can’t you guys Re-ENABLE ‘UNDO’ in the VR Editor? It always worked when you flipped your thumbstick to the Left you do progressive sequential Undo’s (and to the Right will Redo). Until 4.25, then it inexplicably was no longer was working and never did again.

Now, I am not a C++ programmer but I have found the Bool for you, that enables UNDO. It in the Engine Source C++ file called: VREditorInteractor.h
(see attached image) — In 5 years, this non-programmer has gotten closer to an answer than ALL OF EPIC. (not that anyone cared to try…)

I also found it referenced in this file:



My life would be completely different today if I had this efficient tool that I had learned to do so much with and to rely on.


Tonight I got fed up and installed 4.24, 4.25, 4.26, 4.27. and 5.x.

Sure enough, of those ONLY in 4.24 does ‘Undo’ work in VR Mode.

I started routing around in the files anyways and finally found a reference!

Being a non-programmer, I don’t know what to do with this information… and apparently no one is left at Epic that understands anything other than ‘Desktop’ modality and ‘lighting’…

Can you imagine what it feels like to ask about this thing that is slowing down your work and career for 5 years?
(Literally… I was already starting a new SHOW for my THOUSANDS of Youtube Subscribers called:

but this stupid problem made that … just plain not doable. VR Editor would have been the center and main tool of any such endeavor,…

I am (after 7 years in Unreal) slowly switching to UNITY because they care about the TECHNOLOGY of the FUTURE: VR

and don’t leave it ABANDONED and Naked on the side of the road in a Desert.

Unity VR Editor has: UNDO!

(also you don’t have to CLICK TWICE on every object you want to pick up!
(You should see the RIDICULOUS ANSWER I got at the ‘Dedicated Forum’ when I asked about that many years ago…)

Do go look at the dedicated forum, I have asked over and over about ‘Undo in VR Editor’ for YEARS.

Why in the world can’t you turn on VR Editor Modes UNDO?

Like Poser and VUE used to be, a tool is USELESS without undo!

I’ve long since given up on this, I just wanted the truth to be known. I had the excitement and energy years ago, but the spiritual drain of not being heard,. of not being helped when it is sucha silly tiny problem for osomeone in the knoow (it is a Boolean Variable,
I don’t know where to YURN IT ON but I know it will be a SIMPLE MATTER once an EPIC EMPLOYESS DEIGNS to LOOK THIS WAY<… (Never…)

They don’t care a whit about their user base we are all but invisible. If anyone does see this I found some documentation (but it is Egyptian Hieroglyphics to me) ,.

bIsUndoRedoSwipeEnabled is set to ‘true’ by default:

UVREditorInteractor::UVREditorInteractor() :
	bIsUndoRedoSwipeEnabled( true ),

Suggests the issue may be elsewhere.

Yes I saw that myself, but thank you for taking a look.

I think maybe INPUTS are the problem, but I am unsure how to add 'Thumbstick_Right_Y-Axis (Or RIght_Thumbstick_Left) etc to ‘editor functions’, I know it is not the main ‘Project settings’ because the inputs in the working version (4.24) are not reflective,…

I am sure it will never be fixed, Epic unfortunately has Epic oversight and could not care less… I will have to switch my work, my reccpmendations, my Envagelist Attitude (that will be a hard one I used to LOVE Unreal … THIS is too much to take though,. I will have to re-invent my Channel and my SHOW (;Working (while) in VR!’ to be about working in VR in Unity instead,. A real shame. But this, No Undo or Redo is a Productivity Killer, Has not worked at ALL since version 4.24.

It is Pathetic!!

In my opinion I don’t think posting in the forums will get unreal devs attention, in the past it happened often but nowadays the best thing you can do is submit a bug report.

Also In twitch channel when they go live and talking about something related you can take that opportunely to ask.

Cool thank you! I guess I might try the ‘Answes’ site firt,… :expressionless:
I have installed Visual Studio 2017 (what the C++ in 4.24 wants…)
I have noticed a big inconsistency:
When I double click:
Engine C++ Classe/VR Editor/Public/VREditorInteractor in 4.24 it opens in VS as filename:
when I double click the exact “same” file in 4.27: it opens in VS as:

and the first line happens to be: ‘#include “VREditorInteractor.h”’

It is not even consistent! I would fix this if I could but I can’t even determine where it is going wrong.

Can you tell me please where to ‘report a bug’?

It would be a few minute fix for them and a multi month or year process of re-inventing the wheel for me… (I have been fighitng this already since 2019 actually)

Here in the forums we’re just regular devs trying to help out other devs.
It should be in help section here

I’ve never used VR editor, I’ll check it out later and see if I can help.

Good luck.

Wow, that is nice of you! :slight_smile:

I have just found out that I can use CTRL-Z on the Keyboard while n VR!!!
So I went and found a USB Foot Pedal that you an assign to any key or macro on Amazon
That will certainly make me feel I can experiment with abandon in VR Editor and have fun and not worry.

for your edification my friend:

Scenario: You need street to be littered with trash and rocks, etc. Normally it means placing each and every one,. (and hitting the End key to snap to ‘ground’ is helpful, there are plugins and tools that can help with such multiple placements,
but in the VR Editor? You reach out your hand, and POUR a Stream of ROCKs or Trash (or Rocks AND Trash…) which then land and react according to their physics and materials properties, landing, rolling, colliding and settling into place… To set up a scene, you pick thing ou tof your library by bgrabng it then placing it where you want like in the real world, When it work it is amazing. It is how everyone will do this stuff in 15 years but this was now and it was working,. If only they could have left it alone, but they got ambitious and added the public ‘VR Controller and Teleporter’ selectables, and made a few (non useful, non-feature based) changes and broke the thing…

Like good Sci Fi, good tools fall by the wayside because most people are not complex thinkers (present company excluded i’m sure!)

I would pay to get it working again … (since epic seems unwilling to)

Perhaps is there a way I can… Rebuild a … 4.17 or 4.24 editor into a 4.27 compatible one or? I am not sure about Editor stuff necasue they do it with C== it makes it pretty innaccesible to Blueprints techs and Artists alike,.