As an architect using TM, I submitted many important ideas, but no feedback came, not even in the considerations section of the public roadmap page..... Sad.

As an architect using TM, I submitted many important ideas, but no feedback came, not even in the considerations section of the public roadmap page… Sad.

Hello ,

Thank you for posting your comment in the community. We really appreciate you sending us your important ideas for development and this helps us put priority on certain features and implement requests as well.

We do not post every feature/ideas that come in from users, otherwise there would be way too many so we have to sort and gather the feedback accordingly. We also only post the major new features, as improvements which are not always features.

Since we have numerous submissions/comments they are not intended to be responded upon at this time but we track/record everyone of them. I will pass along your feedback to our team. Please continue to send us your ideas as we do value them.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.


C’est vrai que les retours seraient pas mal (^_^), mais vu le nombre de demande je peux comprendre l’absence de réponses individuelles. En revanche, il pourrait peut-être y avoir une rubrique sur le site dans laquelle on trouve les suggestions des utilisateurs sans le filtre des concepteurs…on pourrait ainsi voir les préoccupations des autres utilisateurs et appuyer (compléter) ces demandes (^_^).

Pour ma part, j’ai fait (il y à longtemps) la suggestion de pouvoir utiliser TM sur plusieurs écrans en modifiant l’interface comme dans C4d et autres. Je trouve étrange, dans un travail ou le multi écran se trouve très répandu, d’être le seul à souhaiter ce type de possibilité et j’aimerais avoir l’avis des autres utilisateurs.


I've submitted some ideas early on, but no feedback either.

However some did get implemented and I see some that are in progress now (HDR background and outdoor furniture).

There's also a lot of trees in progress, so I'm hoping some of these are for urban and garden settings (cut).

The fence tool is under considiration and has been for 2 years now, it would be a massive time saver for me, but its either to complex or not wanted by enough users.

Overall though I can't really complain about the progression TM is making in a short period of time.

Thanks Vincent.

Thanks to Studio412 for the post as well, I’m also really looking forward to the fence tool, but even more so to the road tool ...

Both are typically fitted to the landscape, (which is typically not a flat surface) so it should be solved inside the TM.

I think Kjoline13 has a good idea.

I would join, it would be nice to have a separate section here in the forum where users can see each other’s ideas with the ability to upload images.

Maybe it would be better for developers too if the community could coordinate their needs a little bit.....