ARTv1 not available anymore


Im trying to learn UE5 and i mainly animate in Maya. However im trying to get the ARTv1 rigging tool working in Maya but i cant find it, it seems its not available anymore, and i cant find ARTv2 for Maya or UE5. I cant get any maya rig of mine working properly in UE5 just to be able to get some animation tree working in the Engine. So far it seems like if i want to have a animated character in UE5 it almost feels like you have to rig it in UE5 and animate in that same engine. I tried animating in UE5 a couple a months ago and it wasnt there yet unfortunatly. How can i get a rig on maya also working on UE5?


ART is still on the marketplace

Hey there @JoeMusashi08! Welcome to the community! So ARTv1 is still available as ER showed, it’s just that old links to it are dead because in the last couple of years older marketplace assets were moved. However it is still only applicable up to 4.21 it seems.

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Here’s a video showing off (a slightly older) importing rigs from Maya 2019, this might assist.

Hey @JoeMusashi08! Welcome to the Forums!

To add a bit more to what @SupportiveEntity explained, as an additional resource, there is also the maya livelink tool and the newer Maya ML deformer available on the marketplace.

I hope the above helps get you where you need!

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