Artists needed to assist & Character model Designer(s)

Tempest Productions is seeking skilled team members to add to our project. Based on my sci-fi horror book outline, we are constructing an open world near future multi-player survival game that pits man against man, man against the elements, and man against an overwhelming number of ravenous undead. We are planning to enter a closed beta stage this summer with or without additional team members.

Current needs:

Character Designer(s) – Create low poly high detail models to suit our concept (skinning, rigging and animating would be a plus but is not entirely necessary). Tempest Productions owns three professional animation packs that cover most, but not all, areas of need.

3D Asset generation (1 or 2 needed) – Assist our level designer by creating:
• Houses and office buildings– contemporary and near future design
• Several variations of concept prop vehicles, functional modular vehicles – many vehicles and vehicle types will be needed. Boats (prop). Futuristic concept helicopter. A tram (damaged).
• Small items to complete existing rooms – all manner furniture (broken/damaged/ aged filthy), plates (cracked broken), bottles, computers, household machines, etc.
• Weapons – concept weapons according to lore and modular lore centric weapons that can be crafted by players.

Must be willing and maintain regular communication (chat on-line every other or every few days), be reliable (in that what you say is what you do/deliver), and be able to voice chat as a group once a week (specifics TBD each week as mutual schedules permit).

Additional information, website address and detail will be provided with established communication.

Thanks for the positive response. While we’ve satisfied some of our needs we could still use much of what was posted above. Contact me if you’re interested in joining a team developing a game from the creative concept of an established science-fiction author.