Artifact/Binaries automatically being put into Stage when doing build/label to dev

We have pushed our Artifact/Binaries from Dev to Stage. Now when we build/label a new build of our Artifiact/Binaries to Dev, it appears to automatically also put it in the Stage area without us having pushed it there. This is not what we were expecting to happen, we we very much thinking that we’d have to push it to Stage like all other changes to Store Settings/Offers/Pages.

Once we have submitted for Review everything on our Stage area and it is in live. Will it be the case when we build/label a new build of our Artifiact/Binaries to Dev that they will also automatically be put Live. Or is this something we will have control to be able to manually push from Dev to Live?

Hi there!

Thanks for sharing this with us. We’re currently looking into this on your behalf and shared this with our team. Once we receive an update from them, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you!
