[ARTICLE] Understanding the New Engagement Payout Changes


If you have not read it yet, then here is a quick look at what’s happening with the new engagement payout changes.

**Epic States : **

When we introduced the “Time Played” metric last year, we lowered the weighting of player acquisition and noted that we expected to rebalance the metrics over time as we added new features and tools.

Source: https://create.fortnite.com/news/engagement-payout-formula-update-july-2024

In the post link referenced above, there is a link called notes that leads to a further breakdown of these changes which you can find here:

Moving forward, we’re updating the metrics that we use to calculate engagement payouts to account for the current state of tools in Fortnite’s creator ecosystem and our roadmap. This includes introducing an additional “time played” metric to reward creators for the time players spend in their islands.`

In addition to the new metric, we will continue to measure Island performance based on player popularity and retention metrics as outlined in our March Creator Economy 2.0 blog post. We’ve decided to lower the weighting of these metrics in engagement payouts for now, and we are boosting the new “time played” metric. We expect to rebalance the metrics on user acquisition and retention over time as we add new features like persistence and analytics which give creators more tools for retention and user acquisition.

Source: https://create.fortnite.com/news/fortnite-engagement-payout-update


The statement, made by Epic, is about changes to the way payments are calculated for creators in Fortnite’s creator ecosystem.

Here’s a breakdown for further clarity:

Updating Metrics: __Epic is revising the criteria used to determine how much money creators earn __from their content in Fortnite. This update takes into account both the existing tools available to creators and planned future enhancements (the “roadmap”).

Introducing “Time Played” Metric: A new way to measure and reward creators is being added. __This new metric focuses on the amount of time players spend __in the creators’ maps. The idea is to financially reward creators more for creating engaging content that keeps players occupied longer.

Adjusting Existing Metrics: While the new “time played” metric is being emphasized, other existing metrics based on how popular an island is and how well it retains players will still be used but will have less influence (“lower weighting”) on the total payouts to creators than before.

Future Adjustments: The statement also indicates that the weighting and importance of different metrics (like those for user acquisition and retention) are expected to change over time. As Fortnite introduces new features that help creators better retain players and attract new ones (such as features for “persistence” and “analytics”), these metrics will be adjusted to better reflect the value that these tools provide to creators.

In summary, Epic is adjusting how they pay creators by adding a new metric that rewards the time players spend in creators’ islands and planning future changes that will adapt as new creator tools become available.


Please take time to read the community response on Twitter to place things into a bit more perspective


I wanted to take the time to share this with everyone who might be seeking more clarity!
In addition, these changes warrant communication, so feel free to express how you feel about these changes below.

If you have any additional questions about these changes that can not be answered here, I recommend you contact Epic Support directly for further details.

Stay Inspired!


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Did you generate this with ChatGPT? This is wrong lol.

Introducing “Time Played” Metric: A new way to measure and reward creators is being added.

No, it was added a year ago. Now it’s getting partly replaced with user acquisition.

1 Like

@Kamyker, Thank you for replying to my post. And I’m not sure if your post is meant to help or be harmful. The initial tone of your post is somewhat unpositive in delivery and highly reflects your character.

Regardless, those are demons you must fight on your own. And I hope that you find a peaceful means to do so and wish you nothing but the best.

To inquire about your point on player/user acquisition, then its relevance is related to the post made by EPIC in response to the update or changes made to the time played metric. Yes you are correct, it does surround the point of user acquisition, which means strategies that businesses use to attract new users to their products, services, or apps.

Of course proper user acquisition would result in higher player time metrics, in which EPIC has stated they will be adjusting - as you can see from their own post:

Moving forward, we’re updating the metrics that we use to calculate engagement payouts to account for the current state of tools in Fortnite’s creator ecosystem and our roadmap. This includes introducing an additional “time played” metric to reward creators for the time players spend in their islands.

Source : Fortnite Engagement Payout Update

They continue to outline further in the post (and I quote once again)

We’ve decided to lower the weighting of these metrics in engagement payouts for now, and we are boosting the new “time played” metric

Source : Fortnite Engagement Payout Update

In conclusion, it is possible for us both to be correct, and make points with civil discussion as I have done initially and in efforts to help those who may be seeking more clarification — rather than make childish innuendos - which is what you @Kamyker have sadly chosen to do when you responded to my post.

Again, stay inspired
and to all - keep it positive and safe!


As I said this was one year ago:
New one says “We’ll be updating the engagement payout formula on July 1 to increase the weighting of player acquisition metrics” meaning all other metrics including Time Played will be less important.

Ofc it’s “unpositive” as I dislike AI generated articles that spread wrong information. I’m a fighter for truth in the world of lies (ok this sounds funny). Your response seems to be also at least partly generated. This highly reflects of your lack of character or may I say lack of soul.

Anyway I recommend to read twice what you generate and double check if it’s correct instead of being lazy.

Also don’t spam your articles to unrelated questions:

Your article has 0 information about algorithm.

Yours truly

I’m not here to argue with you.
And have been respectful to you throughout this entire ordeal.
My response was not generated and I was only attempting to help,
as I always do.

It is clear that my post clearly pulls out inserts from the post made by EPIC and shows my attempts to clarify those statements. And your question did mention is it the engagement payout formula or whole algorithm, so it was somewhat applicable. Again, I meant no harm to you, and was only trying to help. I have never met someone who felt it ok to attack another person for trying to help, this is insanity.

In addition, as to your accusation on spamming, I only posted a link to this post two times in that initial thread, in response to those whom I thought it could help. And as of my knowledge, spamming is considered excessive posting, and two posts hardly classifies as excessive, don’t you think?

Healthy Advice for You
If you truly seek truth, then responding in a negative way, will only bring about situations in which you place the other party on defense. It causes chaos and unnecessary drama, which I desire no part of. Your type of response does not open up true dialogue, which is something you state you strive so passionately for.

I feel if you continue to push this issue of your so called - righteousness - and continue to attack me - in this way - then you have fallen into harassment. And will reflect that - you only want to create content out of negative and debatable activity. And that is something - I stand against and let it be known that - any individual who delights in argumentative and disruptive behaviour ( as you so seem to be enjoying this) for the sake of internal delight or whatever it maybe - is truly a person who has no soul.

As I stated :

@kamyker I shall respond to you no more, and if it delights you so - feel free to entertain yourself here by harassing me with all the negative posts and accusations you desire. You should have the room here alone - if it so pleases you

That is all.

Again, stay inspired
and to all - keep it positive and safe!


Dude I just said that your article was wrong and then instead of admitting to your mistake you attacked me first, brought demons out of nowhere and started negative spiral.

It’s really not that difficult to be positive, accept some criticism instead of instantly blocking on twitter (speaking of open dialog).

Again your article is wrong, I don’t care about the rest of the discussion. Especially this part:

Introducing “Time Played” Metric: A new way to measure and reward creators is being added. __This new metric focuses on the amount of time players spend __in the creators’ maps. The idea is to financially reward creators more for creating engaging content that keeps players occupied longer.


Adjusting Existing Metrics: While the new “time played” metric is being emphasized

If you refuse to admit and edit it I’m just leaving this here to help people get correct information.