artefacts in point cloud from drone images

hi there,



first off :slight_smile: amazing product, amazing fresh quality software > im impressed!!! 


now, the problem, i have a set of drone images etc and alignet them. the point cloud is ok in generall but there is this one artefact, how do i find out what image(s) caused this? also it does not appear to stop mesh reconstruction from work i would like to minimise the error :slight_smile:

my idea was to find the problem image and just exclude it from the calculation … :wink:


also, second question, we have made pictures also with a digi cam but unfortunately they cant get registered… is there any manual way of helping the system with registering?

thanks for any help !


best, franz

Hello franz,

you can mark the points in 3D view with Point Lasso or Point Rect tool (in the Alignment tab) and then press Find Images. This tool selects the images on which those points are detected. 

Did you group images by exif before the alignment? This might help to align them properly.

Regarding the cam images, did you make sure that you have sufficient overlap among the images? You can try to place some control points on both drone and camera images and align again. You can also try to raise the Max features per image and Preselector features a little and change Image overlap to low in order to help merging.

hi there, 

thanks for the tip with the lasso - i had it only in mind for selection of mesh … 

of course the cam images do not have sufficient overlap and there are way to less of them too :I … but i will try the control point method… its a bit clunky but i will try and let you know of the result

the group images by exif, can you elaborate a bit more how to do that? the features i had already doubled which did not help :confused:


best, franz