Hello! Ive got some problems with ART tool. I
ve wached tutorials for maya ART tool and tryed to repeateverything step-by-ste. However, when the time has come to import created model to animation tool, Ive stucked. Animation tool can
t find new models, created for animation… but at the same time I can upload my models to rig editor via Edit exist character. I`ve attached some screenshots to show you what am I talking about.
Aw, by the way, when Ive tryed to work with existing UE models, a lot oferrors occuped the process. Maybe I
ve installed ART tools incoorectly? Ive split one of my disk, create empty disk D and put there art tools. Also Ive puttrd them to epic games - 4.12- extras - maya tools/. Also I
ve putted userSetup.py file to user - … - my documents - maya -scripts.
Best wishes, Danila.