Art Gallery interior

Hi all ! first project of art gallery for a friend ! work in progress!

if you have some advices !
thx !!

Hi 84rt-design,
for my tastes some part of
the scene looks good but for my tastes, something should be adjusted: too much AO effect, the walls looks too much graysh and flat if viewed from far and even the ceiling could be adjusted as illumination (I know that interior shots are difficult to “manage” as for lighting…have you tried to use a light yellow/orange color for the IES lamp instead of white?..all your “artificial” lights (ceiling lamps, wall lamps, painting lamps) have the same color.


thks, i changed light color to yellow and it looks better now , i also forgot to put a skylight, now it sounds good for G.I , no need for light to be stationary all are movable ! lightmap looks better ! i’m uploading a new motion , i’ll update the thread when it will be finished ! :wink:

you’re welcome 84rt-design…It’s important to give our opinion or some advice (when we are able) because we are here for the same reason: learning or enhancing our knowledge in Unreal.
I’ll wait your new upload to see how it look with the “adjustments”.


Hello, very happy to see someone take a crack at rendering an art gallery. Just one thing I would point at, as someone who works in an art museum - the paintings would not usually be lit like this. The lights should provide an even light across the artwork. At my museum, there’s a lighting track on the ceiling about 4 feet from the wall, with a row of flood lights. While you may like the dramatic lighting effect of the wall lamps, the entire render might come off as more realistic if the lighting were more traditional.
Just a thought. Keep it up!

czechokeflavik thx! yes ill change the lighthing to see ! it would be great if you can show me example ! thank you :wink: