I’ve just recently become confident in my abilities to create and polish a game, I’m not expecting it to be perfect, but I want it to at least look good from an art standpoint. I don’t have any equipment to draw with but have become comfortable with the mouse from a while back when I started redrawing some logos in MS Paint, this is the extent of my art experience. I’m looking to draw some basic sprites for:
- A character
- At least 4 enemies
- A background
- A scene/physical objects
- Projectiles/Weapons
This is not a complete list but it’s what I want to start with. I’m looking for a program that would be good for both a low-poly style and a 32x32 pixel art style. Also, I could use a few tips on how to import, keep track of, create, and organize animations for these sprites/assets.
The game I’m going to create will be in the pixel art style in 2d, the next game I want to make will be a recreation in a multidimensional platformer low-poly version of the pixel art game. The style will be somewhat medieval/the start of the Renaissance.
If this is not descriptive enough please feel free to ask for more details or information about my project. Any