Arrays not reading from blueprint


I am using an array structure. in it are

Item Name text
Item Image paper2d sprite
Item Description text
Item Amount int
Usable? bool

I had 2 items in for testing and have since changed them to continue testing. The problem im having is although i am updating the values in player blueprint, where the array is stored. It is not reflecting when i playtest the game.

I have values in index 2 however it is saying they are unreadable…

Any help?


Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access index 2 from array ItemName_31_C413C6A041378BDC546012873BDE203E of length 2! from function: ‘Display button’ from node: SetText (Text) in graph: Display button in object: Inventory with description: Attempted to access index 2 from array ItemName_31_C413C6A041378BDC546012873BDE203E of length 2!

this is the error it displays


what does the blueprint that your using to get the array elements look like? to me that error code looks like your trying to get a array element thats out of range, that is to say if you have 3 items in your array the error would be trying to get the 5th item which doesnt exist.

ive sorted this problem by making the variables uneditable except for amount but now when i try and deduct a number from the amount array it wont