"Array index out of bounds" error with crash at project startup

I have “Array index out of bounds: 3 from an array of size 1” error in my project startup.
I changed this settings lastly:

  • DBuffer Decal to False
  • Auto Exposure mode to Histogram Basic
  • Mesh Streaming to True
  • Mobile Allow Distance Field Shadows to False
  • Static and CSM Shadow to False

What i tried after crashes:

  • I tried my other projects but they aren’t have any issue.
  • I tried to delete all files in project directory except Content and Config.
  • I tried to move all files in Content directory to another place.
  • I tried to revert last changed settings to default via Config file.

None of them works. Also i haven’t any array in my codes.

Here is my latest logs. I really don’t get it why is this happening.

link text

I think i found the solution. Some plugins(Which one idk but i think Actor Layer Utilities or Automation Utils) need to be enabled. Maybe i already use them in my project before i disable them. Something like that. Solved.

Edit: I changed Material Analyzer to true in .uproject file and everything works fine.