Array from Array with Vectors - Blueprinting

Hello everyone,

I try to create an Array from Arrays with Vector Data. I use blueprinting and dont have Idea how to make it.

It have to be a List with spline geometryes and every spline will have from 3 till 100 points.

Thank you very much for the ideas and wish you a nice day :slight_smile:

I’d then suggest you do not use common vectors but an array of actual spline points instead, each packing pertinent data set any spline will be happy to process

  • make a struct with an array of spline points and some optional data (if needed):

  • you can then create an array of those structs:

If you’re 100% sure all is needed to describe your spline is an array of vectors, use that in the struct instead => a struct of array of vectors:


Lacklustre but, who knows, perhaps it’s enough.

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Thank you very much!Its great help!

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