ARMV7 + OBB Crash

Hi everybody! I have a project for mobiles I worked for months and now I wanted to make a new update. Suddenly if I install the game on my device with OBB files, armv7 it’s crashing after the splash screen. If I package the game inside APK it’s working ( The problem is that I need OBB files because the game is 300mb). I’ve uninstalled Android Studio and UE 4.25 and re-installed but the problem it’s the same.
Did anyone had this problems and solved it? It’s almost a week and I can’t build for any android device anymore.
Thank you!
I’ve attached a log file. This is all what I get on crashlink text

Its happening the same to me, just the arm64 is working. But previously, it was working, it was when i did some little changes to all the levels that this did happened.