I’m trying to get a prototyping workflow set with blender and ue4. I’m actually a programmer not a 3D artist.
When importing from blender to ue4, I seem to have everything working right now. My only issue, small issue I guess, is I get this extra bone named after the armature bone inside blender, why does it add this?
I have been able to export without this bone in the past.
I’m considering just removing the root bone I created and naming the armature root, is this how it should be done?
I looked at the blend file provided with one of the UE4 twitch streams and that seems to have a root bone.
Thanks, I guess you just removed those lines from the exporter code and everything works fine?
I’m pretty fluent with python code so I will read the rest of it, i’d like to understand why it does this, I’m worried there might be something behind this.
Couple caveats here: that’s an older tutorial and the exporter has been changed since then. Personally, unless the extra root bone is causing problems for you I’d be inclined to leave it as-is.