[ARM] Jetson TK1+UE4.61+Linux+AUDIO = CRASH

original thread: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/108807/arm-linux-compile-for-arm.html


I am having problem with AUDIO trigger crash when package UE4.61 for Linux+Nvidia Jetson TK1.

I replaced:
those 2 files in C:\UnrealEngine-4.6.1-release\Engine\Binaries\Linux
"libopenal.so " &
"libopenal.so " &

but still crash, anyone can help? I am new to Linux and struggling!!!

I’m not sure if Linux on ARM is officially supported, only Android which has little different envriament

I need to be clear, if there is no audio, it works fine,

solution found! it is just bad flash