ARkit does not request to access Camera

Hi, I created a simple ARkit app and launched on my ipad pro. unfortunately it does not request to access camera. I’m using binary version of Unreal 4.18 and remote build for windows.

here is the plist command I used.

<key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string>This application will use the camera for AR</string>

Please somebody reply as soon as possible.

Check if your iPad is made for ARkit, i had the same problem with a iPhone 6 (no request, no camera picture) because it is not able to run ARkit Apps !

Sorry, have not seen that you have a iPad Pro

I have the same problem and am also using an iPad pro in 4.20. Anyone have the answer yet?

did anybody find a solution for this?

Muzaheed, are you still seeing this bug?
I think I know where it could be, if so. I didn’t take a shot at fixing it though because, um… it wasn’t affecting me :smiley:

I noticed that apps will always ask again for camera permission when deinstalling it completely from a device and then re-installing it. Give it a try.

When testing AR for a ready-to-ship build (not debug), always remove it and feed it fresh instead of overwriting, not sure why but that’s where lots of issue came from.

Reboot iPhone or iPad…