ARKit 2.0 Tracking multiple images

Hi everyone,

I had a question regarding recognizing multiple images in a scene. I’m currently trying to detect 6 different images in one scene. The idea is whenever the player is looking at one image something pops up and the tracking for the other images is disabled. I’ve been trying to get this to work but can’t figure out how to remove the other images from the scene as soon as one is detected. I’ve tried the new images tracking Session type in 4.20 but as soon as i launch my app on the IOS 12 tables it goes back to the dashboard.

Is there any way to remove already scanned images/anchor points from the scene as soon as they are scanned in blueprints?

I have the same problem that using the image detection session config crashes my app :confused:

Did you get the image tracking to work in the default ‘World’ session config?

In the default world session config the image tracking is working. What I did now to work around this issue is as soon as the user identifies an image an invisible hit box is spawned at that location. Whenever the user walks back the one of the previous images and looks at it, with a distance check I respawn the sequence.

It would be nice however if there were to be a way to clear the already identified tracking points to be able to more easily recalibrate the spawned object as soon as the image is scanned again.

Still haven’t found out why the image session type is crashing on my Ipad with IOS12 beta though. There seems to be something going wrong whenever the camera is triggered. I turned off the camera tracking and made a shipping build. The app no longer crashes however i’'m not getting any screen now for obvious reasons.

ah great, glad to hear you found a work around.

Yeah I’m not sure what the issue is with the Image session, I thought I had solved it when I realised I was still using Xcode 9 instead of Xcode 10, but the problem still presists.

Did you follow the steps from this tutorial for setting up your image tracking?

If so then I have done something wrong because I can’t seem to get a result with the ‘World’ setting either.

Ye I looked at the image setup from the tutorial. I also looked at this post…ort-in-UE4-420. From this one I understood I could try to upgrade to the latest xcode 10 beta and IOS 12 to get the features for arkit 2.0.

Thing is, it seems that the features for arkit 2.0 are active on my current ipad pro because the tracking of the images is much faster and more precise. However when I run the blueprint command to check if the image type session is available, it clearly states a false on the Ipad.

I also looked into the c++ code for ARKit and there are some functions which clearly state are not implemented yet (AppleLineTrace). I tried to use the other linetrace for AR which is available in bluprint and seem to be able to get a trace for the different planes arkit detects. It seems like whenever an image is recognized it creates a plane for it but i’m not able to get a trace from that one either (else I would have done it that way, just check for the name of the image plane and fire up some events from there on).

I’ll try to make something up during my spare time in c++ see what that can get me :slight_smile: , but have to admit i’m not a hero in that area yet hehe mostly used blueprints over the years.

P.S. if the world tracking is not working maybe a setup in ur images might be incorrect (UI, Mipmaps) or maybe the image itself is just not able to find enough reference points. I also have one image which ARKit is not able to track. I think it’s because it mostly consists out of round shapes so it can’t get a reference point on one of the edges.

Thanks for the info, I got the ‘world’ session to work today with a different image.

Yeah I’m also only working with blueprints normally, for now I can make what I need to with the world session and then hopefully the process with the image session is better documented soon.