ArkDevKit ue4 crash adding GroundClutterLayer

-Hello everyone, I’m working on a large map like TheIsland, there is not to much inside, just 3 sector almost complete. I copied and pasted GroundClutterLayers from TheIsland in the my persistent level and everythings seem to work fine all around the landscape, but… when I go to a specific area, and only there… (that area is in the bottom corner right…(herbivores island in TheIsland map for understand)), editor crashes without show any error sheet, I have to stop it by taskmanager.

  • So I tried to create an empty level, deleted GCL from persistent and copied them to the level created. By this way at least, I can work around the map without problem and if I know that I have to go trought that **** area, I just deactivate that (GCLlevel). This is only for work in the editor, when I cook the map I copy back to the persistent the GCL.

  • Cooked map without error and as usual only some warning, uploaded on steam and started the map in singleplayer… All work good but obviously, when ingame I go trought that aera game crashes with this error:

Now, I know that I have to resolve it in the editor… the problem is… HOW? Any Idea? And why editor just not crash because of GCL, and it crashes only when camera or player walk trought that landscape area? And not in the rest of whole map/landscape?

I’m newbie with Ue4, and sorry for my English :confused:

Nothing? I tried to delete all clutter layers and made a new one with his foliage but still remain the problem… even with an empty new one is the same

Good… I resolved it by deleting the component area of the landscape and replaced it with a new one… easy!! Repainted it directly with clutter layer activate and everything work.:cool: