ARK mod: First time

Hey guys.

So, to make a long story short, the server I’m on is a RP server with a mercenary guild. I’ve been talking with some of the people in that guild and others on the server to see if we could get a lockpicking mod going on the server, but there seems to be none. I thought I could try to make one, but I’d need some help seen I’ve never created a mod whatsoever. The purpose is to create a lockpick which can unlock doors (be it trough a % in chance to get it open, or trough a minigame, doesn’t really matter). Off course the lockpicks will require materials that are really hard to gather. I was wondering if any of you guys had a good idea to get me started, seen I’ve never used the unreal engine to create anything whatsoever. All help is appreciated, really.

look into multiuse (searching it on the forum should do it). then make custom structures, or get all structures/filter out the unwanted ones, and add the multiuse to it. then use a random number and check if its between x and y. if not, then its not picked