So I’ve been trying to try modding the game with this mod kit and after reading a bunch of materials, I’ve loaded the mod kit enough times that discovering assets and entering PIE mode takes less than 1 or 2 min after start.
Even copying PrimalGameData_BP takes only 1 or so minutes and I can open other blueprints like resources and items no problem in less than 20 seconds or so.
However double clicking the PrimalGameData_BP is taking well over 10 hrs - tried about 3x by now (and not completely frozen as CPU usage are fluctating, and RAM usage is VERY slightly fluctating - in the range of <100MB). I’ve already verified the files 2x.
Any idea what may be the bottleneck that is preventing PrimalGameData_BP from being opened?
My PC should be rather good specs with 32GB of RAM, AMD Ryzen 5800x, and RX 6700X.
Edit: Also the dev kit is on SSD
I’ve finally found it. I had to verify the files about 3x and waiting for 10 hrs each verify. On my latest attempt, it loaded after 20 minutes or so.
So basically I think if you know your PC is good but it’s still not loading after 1 hr, it may be a great time to try verifying your files - EVEN IF your task manager says unreal is doing work and your RAM is changing.
Hmm not working again after 2 more times of working sessions. I wonder if the engine files just get corrupted easily? It’s now stuck again for 4 hrs (when it used to open in 20 min).
Trying the verification method again to see if it would work again.
Alright finally narrowed down to consistently opening up PrimalGameDataBp in a min.
I’ve found that I can actually load PrimalGameData_BP consistently as long as it’s the FIRST thing I open when a computer restarts.
A secondary thing I noted is that whenever ark is loaded, my mic’s audio driver is disabled until I restart my PC and don’t run ark dev kit. However the moment you use your mic or for some reason go to twitch or any other video streaming site, PrimalGameData_BP no longer opens and freezes.
Take with it what you will, but if you can never get it to open, try this method, it may work.