Ark Editor is crashing

Hallo i want start to make a mod but any time i get crashes.

when i start it says the following error message:

if i follow the first step of most tutorials and copy or copy the genericmod or rename this will happen:


Yea same Issue here…
I Download and installed yesterday…
i can work with the Editor but When i click on Start, i get the same Errors in Console.
Im desperate

i am having the same issue here and there is nowhere i have found with the fix of any information on the issue as far as i have seen it has been posted in several places with no response for a fix kind of stupid if you ask me been months now with no word,

aynı hata çözüm bulan varmı ?

Any solution?

Ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for the Ark Editor. This includes both hardware and software requirements. Check the official documentation or website for this information. youtube vanced apk