7/23/2015: Added “\ARKDevKit\Model And Animation Sources”, which contains most of the Maya core character rigs/skeletons/meshes used in the game, as well as the animations, so you can make new animations or make new meshes that use the existing rigs, or modify the existing meshes!
That’s great! - Thank you! I’m sure they will be very helpful! I’ll dig into them tonight and see what I can learn.
Wanted to say thank you again for the source rigs! I was able to get past an issue that had me blocked for a long time now on the first shot. I can feel the floodgates opening . . .
Following links on Github get 404 error, am logged into Git as well as UE4.
a really good update would be to be able to play an outdate version of ark. (not forcing the update at launch, so we can stay in 189 even after 190 is up and play.)
for server host it will be possible to not update their server before the mod did the maj ensuring the best experience and compatibility for players . (for now the server host need to do the maj or else no players can play on it
and even for not mod server, it would allow some of the private serv to still be playable even if the server host is not updating for various reasons. ( like work too )
otherwise great work ! with all theses updates i’m sure you are overflowing with work so good luck
I don’t know if this was added recently (maybe in the small island), but is there a water plane with no holes without the need to use a 3D tool to create it?
Is there a way to get out hands on the TGA files for the spawn map and player map? Also is there a way to specify the map starts from point A to B to mark the actual map location.
The small island also has holes but I linked a file and instructions on how to fix that in this thread: Default presets for the Editor (Empty map or something) - ARK: Survival Evolved - Epic Developer Community Forums
When is the new Ark dev kit update? People are saying they can’t get the feeding though engram when using my mod because my mod still runs off of the dev kit version 188 and the Ark game is already 189.
There are drastic changes coming in the next dev kit to allow stacking mods so until the development of the devkit itself eases up it will likely fall behind the main game.
Thanks for the info, look forward to it.
Your a star… thanks mate. I had seen the tutorial and at the time there was no link to the no holes plane… its great he added it
/29/2015: Added Stackable Mod support!
- Stackable Mod support! This allows multiple mods to be used together and combine their changes – works with existing mods too! and you can use Mods on custom maps now. To Use Stackable Mods from the in-game menu, simply goto the “Host Game” menu and then select a map, and a list of mods to stack. The top mod will take priority (i.e. is most likely to fully work), and any secondary mods will attempt to add items and other overrides, they may or may not work depending on what those mods actually do (most mods that add items will work as secondary mods… whereas you’ll likely want to use any major rebalancing mod as your “base” mod . We’ll continue to add more functionality for what Stacked Mods can do, so stay tuned!
To specify stacked mods for dedicated server commandline, you first need to manually install the Mods by copying over the Mod files, then specify Steam Published File ID’s in your Server’s GameUserSettings.ini like so (and just load the map via commandline):
Or use a Commandline to launch it like this:
ShooterGameServer.exe /Game/Mods/485317707/halo?listen?GameModIds=222SomeMod222,333Shield333
(the left-most ID is the top mod)
(where “halo”, for example, is the map included with Mod:
This syntax will be updated soon to be entirely Steam FileID driven, and we’ll also integrate automatic downloading/updating of mods into the dedicated server based on the ID’s.
What defines whether a mod lists in the “Mods” section of the Host Game Menu? Simply whether you cook a custom PrimalGameData.
(Note that Mods will also list in the Maps Section wherein choosing them will simply load TheIsland afterwards, we’ll fix that later.)
What data can stack from extra stacked Mods? Specifically, these values are currently stacked (with the first mod listed functioning as normal with complete PrimalGameData, and then the next mods in order taking precedence over the later listed ones):
Remap_NPC += InMergeCanidate->Remap_NPC;
Remap_SupplyCrates += InMergeCanidate->Remap_SupplyCrates;
Remap_ResourceComponents += InMergeCanidate->Remap_ResourceComponents;
Remap_NPCSpawnEntries += InMergeCanidate->Remap_NPCSpawnEntries;
Remap_Engrams += InMergeCanidate->Remap_Engrams;
Remap_Items += InMergeCanidate->Remap_Items;
AdditionalEngramBlueprintClasses += InMergeCanidate->AdditionalEngramBlueprintClasses;
AdditionalStructuresToPlace += InMergeCanidate->AdditionalStructuresToPlace;
AdditionalStructureEngrams += InMergeCanidate->AdditionalStructureEngrams;
Soon we’ll actually try to dynamically “diff” the PrimalGameDatas to combine any changed values and not just those arrays, but for now this should work effectively for adding more items, structures, and class remaps via multiple mods.
Also notes from v190:
- Remap_Engrams will now also remap the Engram Requirements!
- The new Remap_Items array will actually remap a PrimalItem class to a different PrimalItem when it’s created.
- The new AdditionalStructureEngrams array is a much simpler way to add more Engrams to a Structure. Simply add elements to that array, specify the Structure class, and then the array of additional items to add to it (the item classes, not the actual engram classes). Those will then appear as Craftable Engrams within the Structure (presuming the Player has learned the Engram)! This way, you don’t have to modify any of the base structure classes directly if you just want to add more craftable items at, say, the Smithy Structure, and you retain forward-compatibility with other mods and future additions to the base game.
Also one neato thing: the clients don’t need to have ANY of the mods installed when they connect to the server. They’ll actually dynamically automatically download them all, one-by-one, install them, and then finishing connecting!
Love the item remap, going to make life so much easier
i think ark dev kit always had been 1 version behind the main game
It has not been in the past a couple times and currently is not.
It was usually a day or two behind for testing purposes, but then 189 never came out for the dev kit, 188 came out at the same time with Linux issues, and 190 did too =p
that is amazing and awesome. if only the AR where in here. That’s… been my problem with my mod, really, is animation.
Just how will stackable mods work in the future?
I do understand this is very big task and that mod stacking will be worked on but i have a few suggestions.
It would be great to have some kind of mod conflict solution to activate or deactivate conflicting engrams and classes in something like a conflict crushing program preferably built into the main game.
This could also be used to pick and choose when lets say you only want a new armor or weapon from a bigger overhaul mod for example.
We would want to avoid having another minecraft situation where mod conflicts require months of work getting tested by trial and error.
Any modders report in with your own suggestions on the best solutions for the devs here.
As it stands now adding items on top of a overhaul re balancing mod does not work as many smaller mods us custom smithy, rifle etc and then they can not add the new item and if if they us the default items when the big mod uses custom crafting there is still no way of using the smithy etc due to the fact of there being to smithy’s using the same name and IDs.
The only way i see a smaller mod being able to add items on top of a bigger mod is to use new items all together but then the players end up with 2 different smithy’s, mortars and fabricators and make the new items craftable in the inventory is not a good solution for high end items.
hum i didn’t really look much in how workstation work but 190 try to make it so that you can add new item in vanilla workstation, so if people use that, all the mod that add content will add it to the same smithy/fabricator/etc…
if they persist in this direction, i’m sure adding content will be without much issue even with multi mod. the actual problems seem to be more on the items side, for adding ammunition for a weapons you need to create a new one and replace the vanilla but with time i’m sure dev will make thing like for the workstation
Hmm, not seeing how we can add items that would make them stackable.
And what happens to the ItemNum in the list?
If you’ve got items in there that are stackable, with a new mod, which gets the itemnum?
Then that throws out the items players already have…
Can we have an ‘AdditionalItemList’ like the ‘MasterItemList’ where we can set our own item numbers???
While you’re at it, why not an ‘AdditionalDyeList’ as well?
Oh wow… DevKit isn’t up to 191 yet ;(
Actually perhaps make a separate mod class altogether that links to the primary data bp.
With ONLY a few things in it
Like the additional item lists along with the remap lists.
As well as mod name and mod description.
Because I honestly can’t see a way of not having to update my mod/devkit every single patch to incorporate the new changes to the PrimalData BP.
And by update, I mean remake.