ARFaceAnchor system for iPhone X in Unreal

Is there a timeline or release plan for adding the new ARFaceAnchor tracking, lighting, and expression estimation from iPhone X into Unreal?

This is the API. It seems it should be integrated into the ARKit plugin that exists currently.

It would be great to be able create our characters with Morph Targets in Unreal into the iPhone face tracking stuff.

Is there any news about that?

I have not heard anything about the roadmap or plans.

Checking on this again. I see there is some stuff in the P4 Dev-VR branch that looks like it is in progress. Is this something that is coming in 4.19?

Also, if you are working on it, it would be really handy to expose the ARFrame->capturedDepthData from the ARKit SDK. Lots could be done with that depth info.