Are you ready for a cinematic summer?

Today, we’re kicking off our “Cinematic Summer” event where we are putting both you in the director’s seat! Using Sequencer, create a cinematic short inspired by the sizzling season of summer for a chance to win an awesome prize!

Maybe your summer was spent at a cabin with your family or perhaps you took a road trip across the country and found yourself, or true love? Let your imagination run wild!

We’re excited to once again partner with DXRacer to offer anyone who participates the chance to win one of three Unreal Engine-branded DXRacer chairs.

We all know summer is a carefree time, but we do need to set some guidelines for participation:
[li]Use Sequencer to create a cinematic that is between one and three minutes long.[/li][li]Incorporate the summer theme into your project.[/li][li]Only one submission per individual or team, please.[/li][li]Submit your work to us by 11:59 PM EDT, July 26, 2019.[/li][LIST]
[li]We cannot accept late submissions. Sorry![/li][/ul]
[li]Include the following details in your submission:[/li][ul]
[li]Project name[/li][li]Descriptive summary[/li][li]Contributing team members[/li][li]Link to video of the cinematic (YouTube, Vimeo, or other video platforms)[/li][LIST]
[li]We must be able to view your cinematic in video form online.[/li][li]We are unable to accept downloadable files.[/li][li]Your upload should show the exact date and time of posting.[/li][/ul]
[li]Submit your project here.[/li][/LIST] Official rules can be found here.

If you have any questions about the event or Sequencer, please feel free to start a conversation below!

This is a nice motivator, game jam style!

for this challenge are we able to use post FX such as After Effects?

[USER=“65457”]Estevan Lopez[/USER] rules are up there - the link:

@ayretek Yeah I finally saw the link once I slowed down and read the whole post lol. Thanks!

Hey all!

Thanks for the questions, and sorry for the delay getting back to you! It sounds like you’ve found your answer!

I can’t wait to see what you’re working on.


Hi - great to see these kind of Events !!

Not even sure if we’ll participate but was reading the rules & some parts didn’t seem clear & could use clarification.
If you could help with these questions please:

    1. " Sponsor will conduct three (3) drawings (“Drawing”) of all qualified entries received during the Sweepstakes Period."
  • Does this mean the drawings will occur during the actual entry period?
  • ie: if entry is submitted on July 26th 2019 will this mean the entrants might not be in all the drawings?
    1. " Entries may not feature any trademarks (including logos) other than those owned by Sponsor."
  • Does the Sponsors include Unreal Engine along with DXRacer?
    1. " Entries must be original pieces …. "
  • Does this refer to ‘just’ the Cinematic Video?
  • Can someone use other assets such as the assets Unreal provides or does everything have to be ‘Original’ - as in Assets etc. & must be created by the entrants?
  • And can Marketplace Assets be used as well?

Thanks your help in advance.

PS- 3 Days - omg - :eek:

  • "
    Each potential Selected Entrant will be notified at the email address provided with such potential Selected Entrant’s submission on or about August 9, 2019.
    Upon formal notification from Sponsor, potential Selected Entrants shall have three (3) days from the date such notice was emailed to respond."

Glad to hear you like the concept, Ayretek!

To answer your questions - no the drawing will be conducted at the conclusion of the event.
If you’re asking if you can use the UE4 logo, it would not have an impact on your entry - and would not disqualify you. No. :slight_smile:

You are welcome to use any preexisting assets or packages that you already have. The video should be original, but the assets used do not.

Three days is pretty standard. :stuck_out_tongue:

You should participate!

Hey all, this sounds like a great idea!
I’m curious though, after reading the rules and reading the words “drawing” and “random” multiple times, its giving me the impression that this is more of a raffle rather than a competition based off your skills as a director. Am I wrong in assuming that?

Shouldn’t you be choosing 3 entries based off the quality of their work instead of picking random winners? Or am I not reading this properly?

Great contest! I only wish I saw this a month before lol!

Hey @Kalvothe! Am I allowed to use audio under CC 3.0 license? Does it count as “copyright holder’s

I entered the contest and thought I’d read all the rules twice, but apparently I missed the one about the use of logos. On my entry, I added the the Unreal Engine logo (which I assume is ok) and the logo for Quixel as I used their Megascans materials almost exclusively.

However, I assume the Quixel logo might mean I am violating one of the rules of the contest. I worked really hard on my entry and would hate for it not to be considered because of this. I created an alternative upload on YouTube that removed the Quixel logo:

I understand if you can not accept this now however, the content of the video is exactly the same as that submitted before the deadline.

Thanks for your time.

Hey, @Kalvothe

Will winners be announced?