Are you going to remove old, fake reviews / star ratings that were just for Support / Discord access?

Epic, are you going to remove the old 5 star reviews / ratings migrated over from the old marketplace, which just existed to get support & Discord access?

There are many examples of certain assets, including some very popular ones (I’m not going to shame here), which got most of their 5 star ratings through the reviews being misused for gaining access to support / Discord access - while the actual written reviews where overwhelmingly negative.
That was already a big problem in the old marketplace, but at least there we had written comments and reviews, so users could point out how the review score of the asset does not reflect the actual quality.

Now in FAB there are no comments and no written reviews anymore pointing this out, yet you just kept these fake reviews - leading to a lot of assets artificially inflating their ratings, making them look near perfect …
Yet when you look at the Orbital Market, where the old reviews are still visible, you can see how every recent comment is overwhelmingly negative.

This means customers are being deceived into believing an asset is of great quality and great support, when the reality is the exact opposite.

So the right thing to do would be go through the old, migrated reviews and remove those made only for Discord / support access.
Or if that is too much work, just to remove all migrated reviews / star ratings alltogether.

And yes, that would hurt me personally as well, as half of my reviews are from the old marketplace, but if that is what it takes to create an honest environment, where people can have trust in the assets we sell, then so be it.

Thanks for opening a thread about this, this should be high priority. I’ve posted a similar reply on another thread after FAB removed written reviews and questions: "Fab will not support open-text reviews or questions sections" - #195 by PeaceSells

Basically keeping it the way it is now only hurts consumers and honest sellers and benefit the bad actors. This should have been done a long time ago, but better late than never.


Agreed, bringing back the text reviews and comments would really be the best option. I would still like to see the old, fake reviews being removed, but at least with text reviews back, the customers could differentiate the good sellers from the bad ones.


Yeah, the right thing to do would be both (bring back the texts and remove the Discord reviews). Kinda weird that it’s considered too much to ask.


What were even the criteria they used to keep the reviews for some assets but not for others?
Was it random?