Are you able to get an agent's username/uuid?


As the title states, I’m currently trying to see if it’s possible to get an agent’s username and/or account uuid.

Been looking in the API for the past half hour and it does not seem like there is any real way to get a player’s username, but I could be wrong.


This is not possible. There are a number of reason why getting the players username directly is not necessarily a good thing (e.g. security, fragility of code). Out of interest, what did you want to do with that information? Maybe there will be another way.

In a custom round based gamemode (for example) when a round ends it could indicate to other users who won the current round. Also, if in the future if there was plans for some sort of persistent storage access, a username/userid would be necessary as a storage key.

Ah, in the future there may be a way to create a Message including a players name, for displaying as you suggest. Thanks for the feedback!

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We need this information to, for example, make redeemable codes that are unique to players which can’t be stolen by people who can see their screen while streaming, etc.

There are many more use cases beyond that, of course, and I welcome others to chime in but that’s the one I’m thinking about at the moment.

I understand that security and privacy concerns are important, but there are many use cases where assigning a unique identifier to players is necessary. To solve some of the issues in this thread, I suggest that the server assigns a unique identifier to each player upon joining, which can be exposed in code, while keeping the username private.

Currently, I assign unique identifier numbers to players in my game, but I encounter issues when some players leave or new players join. (As my game doesnt use rounds) If the server assigns and exposes unique identifiers, keeping those identifiers for returning players and keeps a real-time list or array of players, it would be very beneficial.

I’ve played one game that has player’s name on a timer leaderboard so i guess now its possible, but how? I can’t find the way on verse API and i would like to implement it.

Look into using a Score Manager device to store a score per player, then set the Island Settings’ HUD Info Type to score (albeit with some unpredictable display issues in editor) to have a real-time updating leaderboard in your HUD