Are there any tools for debugging the packaging process?

I’m trying to package my game and it’s taking a crazy long time considering it’s only one relatively small map. The log will mostly be printing some variation of this:

“Packaging (Windows): LogCook: Display: Cooked packages 1444 Packages Remain 109 Total 1553”

The remaining packages does go down over time so it’s not stuck, but I would like to get a better idea of what’s going on. Are there any tools to help with this? Maybe just a way to add much more verbose logging?

To get the cooker to log which assets are being cooked do one of these:

  • Project Settings → Engine → Cooker → Cooker → Cooker Progress Display Mode = Names and Remaining Packages.


  • DefaultEngine.ini:


  • Launch option: -ExecCmds="cook.displaymode 3"


  • Console command: cook.displaymode=3

(0: No display, 1: Display packages remaining (count), 2: Display each package by name, 3: Names & Count, 4: Instigators, 5: Instigators & Count, 6: Instigators & Names, 7: Instigators & Names & Count)