Are there any systems in the Marketplace for Monster Breeder / Tamer Games?

Already have HyperiusT and JRPG System from the Market Place. But not quite sure if that could handle the Breeding / Fusion aspects of a MonGame.

Basically looking for a system where two Mons go into X place, and pops out a predetermined outcome.

Honestly something like the Persona Series fusions, where you put Mon 1 + Mon 2 (or potentially several mons), get a list of their skills to carry over (that can be carried over) to the new Mon, and a show of what Mon you’ll be getting. (So … kind of like Crafting, but with Monsters, and a few extra steps.)

What we’re wanting to do is be able to let a person choose what “Typing” (Elements), as well as “Skills” (that are allowable for that typing). To tack onto a new Mon.