Are there any In depth Animation Blueprint tutorials?

Hey, iam relatively new to Unreal Engine, the last weeks i have focused animation blueprints. I learned the typical stuff you find on youtube (state machine with different states for walking, crouching). Getting Informations like, is jumping, moving, directions, using blendspaces for 8 directional movement, different landing animations on different fall speed, mantling, vaulting etc…

But then i open something like ALS V4 und dont understand a single thing this guy did. Like literally everything is different from what i have learned.

I understand that i wont be able to do something in one month for what this guy probably needs years of experience, but i dont even know how and where to start?

If i go on youtube all the tutorials are the standard stuff with one state for Run, Crouch, Sprint etc…

Are there any advanced tutorials out there for animation Blueprints? Or do i just have to learn blueprints in general and i will automatically learn the more advanced stuff from animation blueprints?