Are there any downsides to mixing UObject classes with vanilla C++ classes?

As an example, I have a base class that holds any type of delegate:

template<class T, typename U>
class MYAPI FMulticast {
	TArray<T> DelegateArray;

	int Add(const T& Delegate);

	int Remove(const T& Delegate);

	bool Broadcast(U Value);

Then, I inheret those those functions in a child UObject class:

class MYAPI  UMulticastArrayString : public UObject, public FMulticast<FListenerSignatureArrayString, TArray<FString>>

	TArray<FListenerSignatureArrayString> DelegateArray;

	using FMulticast<FListenerSignatureArrayString, TArray<FString>>::Add;
	using FMulticast<FListenerSignatureArrayString, TArray<FString>>::Remove;
	using FMulticast<FListenerSignatureArrayString, TArray<FString>>::Broadcast;

The functions are very basic, with the broadcast function doing:

template<class T, typename U>
inline bool FMulticast<T, U>::Broadcast(U Value)
	bool bDidBroadcast = DelegateArray.Num() > 0;

	for (const T& Delegate : DelegateArray)

	return bDidBroadcast;

Could this approach cause any adverse effects? Is this something that could cause problems with the reflection system, due to the assumptions that the reflection system may make?

I don’t have a good understanding of what Unreal’s systems do under-the-hood, which makes me cautious about mixing a UObject with a regular class.

Things you don’t put a UPROPERTY() on (must be uclass or primitive) won’t show up in the Editor details panel or be garbage collected. I don’t believe they will save in levels either? Might wanna test that.

So if that isn’t a big deal for what you are doing, then it is fine.

That’s great to hear, thank you!

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