Are the New Mannequin's shoulders and toes supposed to detach with basic animations?

I downloaded the new mannequin from the “submission guidelines” for the marketplace, brought the fbx into unreal and retargeted some of the animation starter pack and 3rd person animations to the character. Here’s some photos. Problems are occuring because the limbs aren’t connected. I’ll wait for a response before I share how I really feel about this…



Looks like retargeting issue to me. What settings do you have on your bones for it? I think that now you can just leave them all at “Animation” as this starter pack has been already retargeted.


If you are using the mannequin that ships with ue4 4.8 then do note there is a bug with the shipped version. It has multiple issues. One being the root is rotated 90 degrees.

There are bug reports on this and epic is aware of it but its low priority and we wont be seeing it fixed any time soon. Your best bet is to stick with the mannequin version that comes with the animation starter pack and steer clear from the shipped version of the engine.

The bug is easy to fix.

I found the solution here:

Just skip to about 3 minutes.