Are String Switches properly propagating pin deletion to the pins options in the details window?
When using a Switch on String node, you can manually add ‘pins’ / ‘options’ to match the incoming string with. These added pins/options appear also in that node’s details window under the heading “Pin Options”. as an array of pins.
when I delete manually from the node, those pins, to remove them. They disappear on the node fine. I can compile and save properly without error. However, I notice that those options under the Details window’s Pin Options section, do not delete. And if i close the editor and reopen it, that node shows the pins again, as if they never were deleted.
So I’m asking if you manually delete the pins by right clicking on the pin itself on the node and choose to delete/remove them from the node. Is it properly propagating that to the node’s Options window, and deleting the option from the array?
I’ve posted a pic of the node and its details window, and showing the disparity between the node’s displayed pin options after deletion, and what the details window is showing.