Slilders seem to be always “laggy”. Simply create a slider, pick it with the mouse and move the nouse very slowly. You will notice that the mouse moves a few mm on the screen before the slider suddenly jumps to the mouse position.
This varies, sometimes it’s more sometimes less distance, but it seems sliders cant be precisely dragged with the mouse.
Is that so, or am I missing something? If this is just the way it is, somebody let me know please so that I can stop spending time looking for a solution to this
I couldn’t tell you why you’re seeing the problems you are, but using 4.9.2: No the sliders aren’t laggy for me. In fact I’ve never seen what you describe.
In one of our games, we have a scrollbox, filled with ~10 buttons and if I run the game in a new editor window (i.e. not even a shipping build) and scroll the mouse it scrolls perfectly fine (you move the mouse a few pixels, it gently scrolls the box downwards a few pixels). Even on a really old phone, where UMG performs badly, it’s OK.
Hm, thanks. Well my machine should be able to handle this scenario. the problem is of course that there’s no real way of profiling such an integrated moloch as the UE to find out, what’s eating the time.
Ok, bummer
I had a line in the tick() function that called the garbage collector every frame like so:
GetWorld()->ForceGarbageCollection( true );
because I was tracing some invalid memory pointer issues some time ago and entered the line at the suggestion of another user, and then I forgot to take it out again
Well, at least I learned something about profiling with the engine while searching for it.