Are product ratings and questions getting transferred to Fab?

It’s something that many of the sellers have been working extremely hard on, building a reputation that’s also visible in the form of ratings. We have been asking this question when Fab has been first announced, but the answers were mostly “we’ll see what we can do”. So, how is this looking now?

I would love to try it and see for myself, but the “publish” button on Fab is doing exactly nothing at the moment.

Hi @RaaYaar. If you’re migrating a product from UE Marketplace to Fab, the average star rating for a product will transfer to Fab.

Open text fields (such as reviews, comments, or questions) and individual ratings do not transfer to Fab.

If there is important product information in Q&As, you can add this information to your Fab product description.

We’re aiming to have a v2 of ratings & reviews sometime after launch.

And the Publish button is misbehaving right now. If you go to, scroll down a little and click on “Go to the Publishing Portal”, it should get you where you want to be. :slight_smile:


Ok, thank you for the answer :wink: