Are Compact Operators (+=, -=, *=, /= etc) not possible in Bluieprint?

I’m performing a series of calculations in Blueprint that enumerate some C++ code, but I’m having issues with it, and I suspect its because Blueprint does not allow you to get the current value of a variable, add to it then set it all in the same function, is that right?

AnswerBase post here: Is +=, -=, *=, /= etc. possible in Blueprints? - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

At the bottom is the code I have transferred, this function is called every frame, and makes multiple changes to different variables as it runs through the code. Accel being the major one. I have what I believe to be the right method in Blueprint if it’s possible, but it doesn’t seem like it is. Does this mean I have to create Old versions of every variables as variables themselves, everytime I want to make a change before using it? Kinda sucks :frowning:

Blueprint Attempt - Notice That I’m ‘Getting Accel’, then subtracting from it and setting it again

C++ Equivalent - Probably Loads of Errors Here But You See What I’m Doing

void ASHoverTank::VehicleMove()
	float ControlMag = FMath::Min(1.0f, Throttle ^ 2, Strafe ^ 2);
	float SpeedFront = Dot(Veloc, Front);
	float SpeedRight = Dot(Veloc, Right);

	float SpeedRatio;
	FVector velocDiff;
	FVector accelRequired;
	float accelMag;
	float accelDrag;
	float accelLim;
	float lenSqr;
	float lenDot;

	/* Apply Levelling */
	/* Pitch and Roll Damping */
	Alpha.Y = -alphaDamp * Omega.Y;
	Alpha.X = -alphaDamp * Omega.X;

	/* Terrain Normal Tracking */
	TrackNormal = Normalize((normal.x, normal.y, normal.z + 2));
	ScaledTrack = AlphaTrack * ThrustRatio;
	Alpha.Y -= ScaledTrack * Dot(TrackNormal, Front);
	Alpha.X += ScaledTrack * Dot(TrackNormal, Right);

	/* Use Strafe To reduce skidding during turns (Might not be crucial) */
	if (AccelThrust > 0)
		float forceCentrip = -SpeedFront * Omega.z * ControlMag;
		float antiSkid = FMath::Clamp(forceCentrip / AccelThrust, -1, 1);
		Strafe += antiSkid - antiSkid * FMath::Abs(Strafe);

	/* Apply Throttle and Strafe, Maximum Speed In The Forward Direction */
	if (Throttle > 0)
		VelocFront = VelocForward;
		velocFront = -velocReverse;

	/* Difference Between Current And Desired Velocity */
	velocDiff = (Throttle * VelocFront - SpeedFront) * Front + (Strafe * VelocRight - SpeedRight) * Right;

	/* Thrust Acceleration required to eliminate the difference */
	FVector accelRequired = velocDiff / DeltaSeconds;
	FVector accelRequired -= Dot(accelRequired, normal) * normal;
	float accelMag = Dot(accelRequired, accelRequired);

	/* Ratio between current and maximum speed */
	if (VelocForward > 0)
		SpeedRatio = FMath::Clamp(Speed / VelocForward, 0, 1);
		SpeedRatio = 0.0f;

	/* Maximum drag Acceleration */
	accelDrag = SpeedRatio * (accelDragFull - accelDragStop) + accelDragStop;

	/* Acceleration Limit Based On Controls */
	accelLim = ThrustRatio * (ControlMag * (normal.z * accelThrust - accelDrag) + accelDrag);

	/* If required acceleration is higher than the limit */
	if (accelMag > accelLim * accelLim)
		Accel += accelLim / FMath::Sqrt(accelMag) * accelRequired

	/* Apply braking force if it will help */
	if (ControlMag > 0.01)
		lenSqr = Speed * Speed * Dot(VelocDiff, VelocDiff);
		if (lenSqr > 1)
			lenDot = Dot(Veloc, VelocDiff);
			if (lenDot < 0)
				Brake = FMath::Max(Brake, -ControlMag * lenDot / FMath::Sqrt(lenSqr))
				Accel += accelRequired;

	/* Apply Brakes */
	V = Veloc + DeltaSeconds * Accel;
	iv = 1 / Length(V);
	it = FMath:Min(it, brake * accelBrake * ThrustRatio * iv);
	Accel -= it * V;

	/* Apply Jump Jets */
	if (Jump)
		Accel += accelJump * ThrustRatio * Up;

	/* Apply Steering Controls */
	/* Pitch with pitch and thrust */
	if (Throttle > 1)
		Throttle = (Throttle - 1.0f) * 0.5f + 1.0f;
		Alpha.y += AlphaTrack * PitchPitch * pitch - ScaledTrack * PitchThrust * Throttle;

	/* Roll with Strafing */
	Alpha.x += ScaledTrack * RollStrafe * Strafe;

	/* Yaw with Steer */
	float TurnRate = OmegaSpin + (OmegaTurn - OmegaSpin) * ControlMag;
	if (TurnRate > 0)
		Alpha.Z = AlphaSteer * FMath::Clamp(Steer - Omega.Z / TurnRate, -1.0f, 1.0f);
		Alpha.Z = 0.0f

	/* Apply Wind Resistance */
	Accel -= 0.01 * Length(Veloc) * Veloc;

What you did is correct. When the set-node is triggered, it will read all the variables, process them through the nodes, and THEN write it. It’s the same as doing a = a + 2; in C++, which is equal to a += 2;.

Hmm, it doesn’t appear to be doing anything. I’m ‘setting’ it multiple times per-tick, this is just one of part of a much larger chain.

Ok, to debug, try adding a “Print String” node and print the value to screen at every step…

Nope, doesn’t work. I can pass the values around purely as connections between the nodes and it works slightly better, but god does it look a mess.

It sounds like a bug. I don’t have time to test it right now.

Make a simple example and report it on answerhub.

It’s on answerhub already, see the link above :slight_smile:

I only had one cup of coffee today ok? Not entirely awake :o