Personally I never really got into Blackboards and prefer to work with BP instead.
I understand if people see this different and chose Blackboards over BP because it’s a better workflow for them, but this doesn’t apply for me.
So (Correct me if I’m wrong), the only reason for me to use Blackboards would be the better performance, but is that still valid with the new BP to C++ conversion and changeable Tickintervalls etc. or can I just programm my AI with BP without drawbacks?
There’s nothing really wrong with using BP if you can make a good AI with BP. I prefer to use BT/BB in conjunction with BP, as the full BT suite (BB, BT, BTS, BTD, BTT) and BP make an excellent team.
You do get a few benefits with a BT/BB. Your Services will be ticked automatically when branches are active, you can abort certain logic/behaviors when a more important state is entered, and you can more easily sync variables to anything using the same BB. There are others, but I can’t think of them off the top of my head. Of course, you don’t want to do everything in BT. Think of BT as the brain, and the pawn as the body.