To anyone out there with extensive experience with using Animation Blueprints, performance-wise, should they be avoided unless absolutely necessary? Or is the impact so insignificant (at least on a smaller scale of less than 4 actors) that it won’t really matter?
I’m aware ticking events are fine, as long as they’re not abused, and used for complex calculations, however, is an Animation Blueprint, by its very nature, complex?
I’m going to avoid them, as a practice, but I’m realizing I will need them for certain situations involving humanoids and combat.
To be honest it varies depending on the person. Some people like them, some completely avoid them. I use them here and there and never found them to be very complex.
Animation Blueprints are by themselves not that expansive. They also have the ability to be set to run in parallel and they have indicators when you are doing something a little bit more epansive. They show the easy fast calculations with a flash icon to indicate fast path support.
You can also use the new thread-safe functions of the animBP to further parallelize the performance.
Making it more performant. In conjunction with fast path it shouldn’t really be that much of a problem.
Unreal is fine up to about 100 bots, 200 is max. And it is mostly because collision, and dynamic avoidance of each bot vs rest of them. And no animation blueprints are not that heavy compared to collision checks. Just do not do intensive checks on tick in animation blueprint, and all will be fine.
So much information. It’ll take me a while to process it. (Particularly the video, which is a completely new approach that I’ll need to tackle and test later; but it is clearly something I need to learn).