Are all Quixel assets on the UE marketplace free to use in a commercial product?

Hey all.

I’m trying to find out exactly how the licensing of Quixel assets works.

My setup is that I want to make a game by myself using ONLY UE5 with Quixel assets, then sell it on the Epic Games marketplace.

Do I have to pay for the assets if I sell the game on the marketplace?

If you answer yes or no, can you please make sure to provide a link to where you got this information so I can read the fine print myself as well.

Thank you!

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Yes, it is perfectly fine to use the assets in a game you sell. So long as you are using Unreal Engine, you’re good.

Section 1:

“Licensed Content includes any content that is made available to you by a Content Licensor under the terms of this Agreement. This includes, for example, content made available to you by Epic through the Unreal Engine Marketplace, Learn tab of the Epic Games Launcher, and the Quixel Megascans library.”

Section 3a:

“This means, for example, you may Distribute software applications (such as video games) that include Licensed Content to the general public, whether directly by you or through a distributor or publisher.”


This topic has been moved from International to Marketplace.

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Thanks and happy developing! :slight_smile:

This is very helpful! Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much. I feel a lot better now. You made my day for sure!

Thanks again Rokenrock. Good luck to you on your projects!