Are 3D assets sold in the marketplace .obj models?

For folks who sell 3D assets in the marketplace - e.g. environments, or for folks who may know the answer to this, are 3D assets sold in the marketplace .obj models? Therefore, when purchased and downloaded, when one opens the folders - does one see a folder with .obj models and a folder with texture maps?

Hey Gus382!

Once the models or textures are imported to UE4, they turn into .uassets. I know you can export the textures out of the editor, and I am 99% sure the same can be done with the meshes. I believe the output for the meshes would be fbx. Once you’ve opened your marketplace content, you should find textures in ProjectName\Textures and models in ProjectName\Meshes.

Thanks SE_JonF! That is great to know. Appreciated!

Anytime! Let us know if you have any more questions. =)

Thanks again and yes, I do have a question. Would be good to get some advice.

In UE one can build a building with the architectural walls etc. and then go to the materials and drag and drop a material onto the wall, and it is textured and looks very realistic because relevant maps are already processed, I assume by the engine. However, if one has geometry in Maya, e.g. a building with walls/planes etc. is there any software or plugin out there that can offer this drag and drop texture luxury in Maya or anything even close to this? I ask because I really dislike working in Hypershade and I hear about tools out there like those in the Substance family (e.g. Designer/Painter) and Quixel tools - e.g. NDO and DDO, but they seem to require intense hypershade work in Maya before a photorealistic look can be achieved. I might be wrong about these software that I have mentioned because I have not looked into their capability but they seem to be highly rated.

I know nothing is easy with animation and practice is key, but my ultimate question is, what software(s) out there exists that can really help someone to combine the required maps to photorealistically texture geometry 3D meshes in Maya and doesn’t require a lot of node connecting work in Maya’s hypershade? I am talking about software or plugins that one can import a texture map and then with a few clicks, maps (e.g. diffuse, specular etc.) will be generated and combined and one can then apply those to the geometry in Maya before setting up lighting and proceeding to render.


You might be able to find presets for sale or free that will provide you with the lighting/rendering and material setup to get your desired look. Asking around the official Autodesk Maya forum may yield better results for you than the UE forum since your question revolves around rendering in Maya. =)

You are right; will do - thanks!

No problem, good luck!