I make the first interior. I’ve got a few questions:
How to remove noise in the reflections of the material
how to make leaf material with sub-surface scattering
how to make a good anti-aliasing while moving the camera when you do a movie of Matinee
And please share solutions how to adjust the depth of field in the camera. While it turns out unrealistic
On artefaty do not pay attention, because the quality is preview now.
Hey, man. Nice work there, it’s looking pretty good already.
Open the console with the tilde key and type r.SSR.Quality 4 (default is 3).
Use the Shading Model “Two Sided Foliage” and add some value on the “Subsurface Color” input. Tip: multiply the diffuse texture by a scalar parameter named “subsurface level” with default value “1” and plug it on Subsurface Color. You’ll get a fast and good result and will be able to control the subsurface intensity with the variable.
I don’t know a better anti aliasing solution in UE4 than Temporal AA (the default one). Maybe you can increase the screen percentage to get better results, but it will demand more GPU power.
Yeah, it’s not easy to get nice results with those DOF options… But I didn’t find a constant setup yet. I keep messing with them until I get a good result for a specific perspective.
You can increase the reflection quality using this command “r.ssr.quality 4”- and in the .ini config files you can even change the values of this to be higher if you need even more clarity- this comes with a big performance cost, but if you are running on a good rig and are only aiming for 30fps you will be fine.
Have a look at the new “two sided foliage” shading model, I find it works great for plants and foliage with some tweaks!
Do you have the AA method to be temporal right now? I find it rare that such obvious aliasing occurs, unless you are running at 1080p. Moving up to 1440p or higher makes a big difference in clarity and reduces a lot of artefacts.
Depth of field is just a matter of tweaking in the post process settings, you have to find the values that match your scene. Try both the Gaussian and CircleDOF methods, and see which you prefer!
After some experiments, I came to the following results and have new questions:
There are problems with the glass material. In all tutorials that I watched the glass made the same way … The problem arises when we look at the glass under strong angles there are distortions associated with an index of refraction…Has anyone found a solution? Glass model have a shell like in real world.;
How to make the shadow more smoothly? A feeling that not enough quality;
Neon light. How to make good neon light? I tried to do it in two ways: through the emission material, but the result was strange even with production quality; and with Point light, but there are having problems with attenuation of light - the closer to the Point Light the more light, but it is necessary that the light was uniform;
About metallic values in material. Somewhere on the forum I read that the value of this parameter must be 1 or 0 and can not be in between. It’s true? As for me it is strange, there are materials that emit metal and there is appropriate to do other values …
Can I save channel z-depth in a sequence to make post-processing in the final video for best quality of DOF. So I can not to do the normal depth of field standard tools of anreal engine;
How to remove the moire effects? Particularly strong in the texture of the sofa…
Very long calculate of production quality - about 30-40 minutes. Or is it normal for the scene? Scene have a LightmassImportanceVolume and PostProcessVolume. All big surface has a light map res - 2048…I show the settings, may be it can help.
When I do the High Resolution Screenshot in final image the decreases quality. Why is this happening?
2 rabellogp and EoinOBroin : thanks for help.
r.SSR.Quality 4 is help but not enuff…there is still a lot of noise, especially when the camera moves;
Use the Shading Model “Two Sided Foliage” and add some value on the “Subsurface Color” input. Tip: multiply the diffuse texture by a scalar parameter named “subsurface level” with default value “1” and plug it on Subsurface Color. You’ll get a fast and good result and will be able to control the subsurface intensity with the variable. Very good solution;
Anti-aliasing. Bad result is already in the final sequence from the Matinee :(. In the viewport anti-aliasing is good.
I think you are very close to the “technical limit” there…
That issue is a consequence of the way the tech works. You can use a falloff node to reduce the refraction at extreme angles (I think the default glass material in the StarterContent has something like that already). But it won’t be a perfect solution (I’d also like to know if there is one :p).
I can only think of increasing the lightmap resolution even more here… You could try shadow cascade for near camera shadows, but it’ll only affect direct shadows and may introduce some artifacts.
You are using “4” for Indirect Lighting Quality. I’d definitely try the maximum value (10) before giving up the emissive material technique. Try to reduce the scale to (0,7 is a good value).
You can use values between 0 and 1, no problem with that. But I don’t know if it will be physically accurate.
You can generate that with the High Res Screen Capture tool or Buffer Visualization -> Scene Depth (if you are taking screenshots directly from the viewport).
Try messing with the mipmaps of the textures (all of them) you are using for that material until you reduce that effect. Try different mipmap filters too.
It’s actually a very good time for the results you are getting. Prepare yourself for hours after increasing the quality of your lightmass to 10. You’ll probably need to mess with baselight.ini if you keep seeking for vray quality renders. And that you make your build times explode
That tool is not perfect. The engine uses Temporal AA to reduce SSR granulation and aliasing. But this AA method depends on a sequence of frames being generated (that’s why it’s called “temporal” :D). I believe that the High Res Screenshot don’t work very well with that because it always messes up with the aliasing and SSR. Better way to take your screenshots is to take it directly from viewport or standalone game (if you need higher resolutions than your monitor can handle).
After maximizing the SSR quality, the only way to reduce the noise even more is to tweak your materials and SSR intensity (post process volume parameter) to “avoid” SSR in those places where it’s generating too much noise for you.
For the noise in the reflection- did you tweak the “ScreenSpaceReflections.usf” shader file and increase the number of steps and rays?
“#else // SSR_QUALITY == 4
const int NumSteps = 12;
const int NumRays = 12;”
If you increase those up to overkill values, you will definitely see an increase in quality when you change the SSR quality to 4, but the performance hit will be huge, and the noise won’t be 100% eliminated. Worth trying though if you want to clear up the noise.
I don’t see a difference between r.SSR.Quality 4 and r.SSR.Quality 10… Not even a frame rate drop when I play in standalone game in 2k resolution. I type it in the output log is that ok?
Concerning the high res screen shot. It’s a common problem. I use print screen because it’s almost as if Highresshot is not taking some effects into consideration (like AA, SSR, etc) Maybe a bug?
I prefer to render at higher res (2k or 4k) on my 1080p monitor and hit print screen. You’ll hget a nice clear picture but you end up with a 1920x1080 picture in the end No huge detailed 8k shots for now I guess!
Isn’t r.SSR.Quality 4 the maximum value? (r.SSR.Quality 3 is the default 100% quality in the post process volume SSR settings). There are definitely huge differences when you bump up the values in the shader config file, and an equally huge drop in performance!
“4) About metallic values in material. Somewhere on the forum I read that the value of this parameter must be 1 or 0 and can not be in between. It’s true? As for me it is strange, there are materials that emit metal and there is appropriate to do other values …”
I think metallic in the material is between 0 and 1, can be 0.2, 0.4 etc.
“7) Very long calculate of production quality - about 30-40 minutes. Or is it normal for the scene? Scene have a LightmassImportanceVolume and PostProcessVolume. All big surface has a light map res - 2048…I show the settings, may be it can help.”
What Lightmass settings are you using?
“8) When I do the High Resolution Screenshot in final image the decreases quality. Why is this happening?”
I notice this sometimes, try doing a “Simulate” so the playback is simulated but you can still take a high-res screenshot.
“1) r.SSR.Quality 4 is help but not enuff…there is still a lot of noise, especially when the camera moves;”
For question 4) The vast majority of materials are either metallic or non metallic, there is a few rare materials that fall in between, mostly semi metallic paint, and there’s sometimes dirt or a stain on top of metals that would be semi transparent that could be represented by a value between 0 and 1.