Hi there, this should be my first post, if I remember correctly. I’d like to share one of my works here and look for future cooperation.
Contact: carvalho.fabioguilherme@gmail.com
FB: Redirecting...
Thank you,
Fabio de Carvalho
Hi there, this should be my first post, if I remember correctly. I’d like to share one of my works here and look for future cooperation.
Contact: carvalho.fabioguilherme@gmail.com
FB: Redirecting...
Thank you,
Fabio de Carvalho
Great job! Could you share your light settings? Especially what did you do in the dark hallway? I’m currently working on a similar project)
I don’t know to whom I should thank, but thank you for spotlighting my project, it was a huge surprise.
That is stunning! You must be so proud of how it’s turned out. Really nice touch having branded products on show, just like a show home has premium appliances and devices to show you how good it could be, you’ve nailed that in this example. I’m super jealous of the quality you’ve achieved here
Hey, thank you very much. But come on, how come jealous haha, I’m sure you’ll do it even better, keep the studying going everyday.