[ArchViz] DupleX - A Virtual Experience

Hi all!

I want to show my first Unreal Engine project, it took me from concept to finish 3 weeks, i never used UE, It was crazy but was really funny too.

Duplex concept-modeling 3D Studio Max:

  • 3 days

Duplex UE from UE installation (1st time) - learning along the way - Blueprints - to final building/lighting:

  • 18 days

Duplex Matinee:

  • 1 morning

I saw a lot of video tutorials and i read a lot of threads in the Unreal forums so I want to thank all of you, a Unreal Engine community which it has made possible my first Unreal project.

For all of you thank you so much.


(Download link in youtube description) :slight_smile:

1 Like

I cant… its too much… WOW O.O i could totaly live there!!! Alone!!! OMG WOW ****! Its absolutly perfect! Its ULTRA EXTRME !!! o.o

LoL! I am absolutely happy that you like so much, thank you! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


You are an inspiration my friend! :slight_smile:

Wow, that´s awsome!
Would you mind sharing some tips to get such a great lighting? Did you use any dynamic lighting or baked everything?

Sergio, this is brilliant! Well done, and thanks for inspiring us. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for these comments guys, you make me see that this is the way and inspire me to keep working hard.

I tried a lot of lights at start of the project, only with the main structure (walls, ground, and a few objects) to save time render, like a Vray render, if you know, more objects to calculate lights/shadows = more time render.

I started with dynamic lights but they comes with a high drop in fps, then i turned in static lights + global illumination and try, and try, and try again, and try all night, and a lot of hours of test until an acceptable finish for me.
(This is not Vray, no photoshop post process, this is RealTime! i was ****ed :P)

So, here are some very usefull tutorials what i saw:

And all the videos on youtube from UE4 and very friendly people speaking about UE4 illumination.

I spent a lot of hours in youtube, Unreal Forums, with the free assets of the Marketplace and trying a lot but i learned a lot too and it was really fun.

I hope this help a bit.

Magnifico , just awsome you are very talented sir.

Fantastic work :smiley:

Great work man ! Bravo hey one question how many time to build the lighting ? Greetings :slight_smile:

Awesome Work Buddy. The fact that you were able to achieve such a polished result in level design and user interface as a new comer is just amazing.

The definition of wondeful !

Hi guys,

it took me 8-9 hours (i7 4770k - 16GB RAM - GTX 760 OCII - SSD 500GB Samsung)

Today I’m featured as Pic of the Day in the launcher, I can´t believe what is happened, is amazing, thank you Epic Games and absolutely thank you Unreal Community, I’m here thanks to you :wink:

Really thank you for your inspiring comments.

Hey Sergio,

Could you please tell me if this wireframe/clay images are screenshots from the engine? It looks like it is vray - edges tex?

Thank you!

Hi if00,

you are right, the last screenshots are Vray - edges tex, It is a hobby that I have when I’m finishing a job to display the mesh.

The first screenshots are directly taken from the Engine (by command console: HighResShot), pure images without post-process.