Archviz 360 Interactive Solution?

Hello all,

I started learning UE4 only two weeks ago in order to create a virtual reality Architectural walkthrough for clients. The Oculus Rift DK2 is working well and UE4’s VR adaptation is user friendly. Along with VR, I would also like to explore other packaging options so that viewers can look around a space on a flat screen by maneuvering the mouse. I am mainly looking at 360 videos and/or HTML5 because they can be viewed from any web browser. However, I am unsure about the development of either methods. Upon further research, I found a few ways to record a 360 video (or panorama image) mainly by scripting and multi-camera stitching. As for HTML5 package, I have noticed it is still in a developmental phase. HTML5 packages are exceptionally noticeable while trying some HTML5 demos.
I am interested if anyone has taken the attempt to use either a 360 video or HTML5 package as a legitimate Architecture marketing tool. If you have, which way do you prefer? And are there any other methods to create a 360 interactive experience?