So, any widget / UMG can be initiated and added from anywhere. Game Mode, game state, or player controller.
The right place to do it is probably game mode if it’s a main menu, or the player controller if it’s a pause menu.
You don’t have to initiate your UMG from the character and setting the game to ‘paused’ with the ‘set game paused’ node should disable controls over to the character so it doesn’t keep moving on inputs. Make sure your key binding in the menus have the option to work in '‘paused’ mode.
Thanks Sertac Ogan that’s good to know.
, if I don’t have to initiate the UMG from the character, where can I initiate it from? If I put it in any other blurprint keybinding does not work or display the UMG… I need to show the menu on the archvis character, which does not have a blueprint in which to place a keybinding to bring up the menu.
You can put it in your player controller, it has input registered (if it’s actually being used) and the UI should show as well.
I worked out the problem, blueprints don’t accept input unless you do as in the attached image.
This is how to allow a keybind to brind up the menu regardless of the which character you use. i.e. this allows the menu to display on the ArchVisCharacter.
In addition to that, the blueprint has to be part of the world!
How do I display the UMG on screen with the archvis character?
I’ve followed all the info on creating a pause menu, but they all use the FirstPersonBP.
Trouble is, the archvis character does not have an accessible blueprint, so how do i show the pause menu on it?
Also, is there not a global node or blueprint I make use to display the UMG on any active character?
Also, if you want to unpause some events. You can select event and enable “Execute when paused” option.