Archiving Projects

Hi All!

We’ve added the ability to archive projects to Creator Portal so now you can keep your and your team’s projects organized by hiding islands you’re no longer working on. Archiving a project doesn’t affect players’ access to play the island in any way; it just moves it to the archive section of your projects list and you can easily unarchive a project if you want to pick it back up.

Feel free to drop your feedback in this thread!


I like it! The more organizational tools the merrier!


Love this ! Time for some cleaning…

1 Like

Cool! Time to reorganize.

How to delete the Project?

I would like to take up this topic again…
It would be nice if you could delete projects directly!
You have to create a private version for each memory calculation.
If you do this often, a few private versions come together…that’s stupid.
A memory calculation should also be possible without creating a private version. :slight_smile: :+1: