Archinterior conversion (Evermotion) + VXGI tests

VXGI multibounce at 30fps. Wow. Never thought it’d come so soon.

With Nvidia Pascal it’ll be a done deal. :cool:

Curious, what is the setting to improve VXGI Shadowing? I’m just playing it now and any tips would be appreciated.

It’s been a while since I’ve played with VXGI and I don’t have it installed on my system right now to remember the names, but I think there is a couple of parameters near the end of that VXGI parameters list that will allow you to increase the contact shadow radius. It will also increase the amount of artifacts though, so it’s a trade off… You can also combine VXGI with amounts of HBAO and UE4’s default AO to enhance the indirect shadows. It’s also a good idea to include some artificial lights with shadows, it will give some depth to the scene. A nice trick is to limit the radius of those lights to a couple of meters only, so the real-time shadows won’t be calculated for the whole scene and you’ll get better performance.

Cool thanks.


i just wanted to try out VXGI for myself and somehow…i get stuck. I build the source, editor is running fine and i even got all options mentioned in this thread.

But, somehow nothing happens.
During the very first steps, i just use the Table + Chairs on a ground base scene, one Emissive sphere and a point light (with enabled VXGI).
One PostProcessVolume with VXGI enabled options and a lightmass volume. Enabled VXGI inside the Materials
(@UE4 devs: all this activation stuff is useless if you want to “convert” a whole game project to get the option to use VXGI out of the box…)

Since we’re probably not using Lightmaps, i turned on Force No Precompute.

What do i miss? After all, i don’t see any GI known from DFGI and LPV going on.

Best, Tobias

Have you tried running the demo scene that comes with the VXGI branch?

You’ll probably get a faster response if you post in the Nvidia thread over at NVIDIA GameWorks Integration - Asset Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums Alexey regularly posts in the thread, and he’s the one handling the integration from Nvidia. There have been a few times where requests from the thread or reports of issues have been looked into and resolved from the feedback there.

If you want to use VXGI, you don’t have a need for a lightmass volume if all your lights have VXGI enabled. Of course, turn off DFGI and LPVs so you can easily see if VXGI is working or not.

VXGI should be enabled by default in the materials when they’re created, but if not just tick it on and let it recompile the shaders. If you want emissive lighting, that’s a separate option entirely in the attributes you need to enable.

When you enable VXGI Diffuse in the post process volume, there should (unfortunately) be an immediate decrease in framerate. Even if you have no VXGI lights enabled yet, it’s still making the whole volume just in case (you can dramatically alleviate the performance hit through the r.VXGI.Mapsize X command, where X is the density of voxels. Default is 128, it can go as low as 32, with each step down cutting down on the amount of vram it uses and the performance hit). VXGI Specular thankfully doesn’t have much of a performance hit if you’re already doing diffuse, so you can probably safely tick that on as well.

Of course, the next step would be to enable VXGI in the lights. Spotlights and directional lights are the easiest two to see the effect with, since it’ll more visibly bounce around on walls. VXGI multibounce is not enabled by default, you need to type r.VXGI.Multibounceenable 1 as a console command or in the same .ini file that you enable LPVs from. If you really, really want to push the effect up, you can of course change the intensity of VXGI as a whole in the post process volume.

If you still have trouble, might want to go into the sample project provided with VXGI to make sure everything was compiled correctly in the first place. Sometimes people accidentally overwrite something like the NVApi that’s included in VXGI with the one that Epic’s setup.bat provides, with the one Epic hosts being an older, incompatible version.

this looks great I guess I wont be able to run it in my laptop after hearing the fps you guys get lol :slight_smile: but nice work! 980ti hmm I have to think of buying a new computer…

nice works,does 780Ti can run VXGI in this scene at 30fps?I think VXGI maybe useful after 2 years,or when UE4 support SLi.

anyone know how to start VXGI?
any tutorials?

and i cant into this web:

It is not fair to delete such a nice excellent work (Archviz Rendering) like this done with VXGI… :frowning:
I was about to ask you to share this UE4 project for study…!! but you killed my hope by deleting it… Really not fair

I was looking through arch viz threads on the forums with a particular question in mind, this thread might be the best one to ask.

How do you go about UV Unwrapping, I mean the whole workflow involved. I know OP mentioned his workflow in the first few posts but still there are some things that bother me. To be specific I’d appreciate any kind of tips when it comes to importing evermotion archinteriors in particular.

Let me break down my workflow as it is now (appreciate any guidelines to what I’m doing wrong)

  1. Open up V-Ray scene in 3ds
  2. Get rid of cameras, lights in order to just leave all of the models
  3. Run Steamroller script (was that the name?) to Unwrap the UVs automatically and in one go
  4. I’ll skip V-Ray mats conversion for now, since I’m applying plain white mat in UE just for testing purposes
  5. Import to UE without combining the meshes, place everything
  6. Building low quality lightning (mostly medium setting) to check for overlapping UVs
  7. And now, once UE spits out errors with overlapping UVs I then get back to 3ds and adjust UVs manually

And here it ends for me at the moment, I haven’t build any proper scene yet, just testing outs the importing and conversion part.

I’d appreciate anyone bullet pointing his/hers workflow or any tips in that matter.

Peace !

Do you mean to break the walls up into separate meshes or to break up the ceiling into seperate meshes? Or both?
I have a few places in the corners around the top of my walls that have light bleeding. So would I detach the faces of the walls in these places as seperate meshes? and then break up the ceiling into multiple meshes (say 3x) instead of one big mesh?

i tried to use VXGI in my project for VR. And… it needs sooo much time.

·With the UE GI almost get 75fps and with VXGI just… 35-50fps.

Hello , Does “glitches” problem solved with your new graphic card ? i have same problem here with GTX 970 !

The glitches are pretty much gone by now. But it’s due to VXGI updates, not the graphics card.

Your work is really good! Can I ask you if the carpet’s fur is modeled or is just a material? in the second case would be too much asking how you built it? thanks in any case (honestly I’m too un-technical to understand anything about the VXGI =( )

Hey, man. Thanks, glad you like it :slight_smile:

For the carpet I used the same technique that I’ve used to make grass. It’s a bunch of planes with fur texture scattered over the surface (with foliage tool). In that specific case it’s the SpeedTree Backyard Grass model with dessatured diffuse colors :D.

You can find the details here:…t=archviz+lawn and here:…ight=

Hi guys, Certainly don’t want to hijack @ excellent topic but in case you’re interested in Arch-conversions to VXGI, I just posted a experiment with XOIO’s Berlin Flat on my blog
Quite the challenge I must say :smiley:

Would you mind posting the material settings for the glass on the lights above the dining table? They look fantastic!