Archicad materials turn white in TM!! Good at beginning, after a couple of hours working everything turns white.

This has happened to all my TM files. I create a TM file and import an Archicad file, at the beginning everything looks good and it picks my materials from Archicad but as I start changing my 3d model or adding details etc, some of the textures from Archicad become white in TM. I have tried with the three options: Collapse by material, Collapse all, and Keep hierarchy and NOTHING seems to work. At the end some of my materials from archicad would turn white in TM. So I just have to make sure I work quickly and save the images/videos for my client because for sure the file will be useless after that because everything is white. Has anyone had the same problem and know how to solve it?

Hello there and thank you for posting.

Can you please use the contact us button to report a bug? A support agent will contact you shortly.

Thank you