Hi, I'm getting more and more of the same issue:
When I update my TM file through datasmith direct link after modifying my archicad file, some Archicad elements are slightly misplaced. For instance, windows are out of their location for about a foot, some trim goes a few inches away, cabinets are out of place, etc.. All of that looks pretty random.
It doesn't happen if I collapse by material but I need to keep my element hierarchy.
Any advice to avoid that or is that a bug that needs to be fixed?
I'm on mac OS Monterrey 12.5, Archicad 25 4013 USA, TM 2022.2
Hello ,
Thank you for contacting us about your issue and there seems something potentially wrong with the file/scene somewhere and we would need to further investigate. Please report a bug and provide the Datasmith version you are using as well.
Here is the link to the article on how to find the Datasmith version:
This is the link to follow to report a bug:
Kind regards,
Vincent B.
Done. Thank you for your reactivity!